How Snow Affects Roads
Duh. But just how much? Older roads that are untreated are more susceptible to the build-up of ice and damage as a result of improper snow removal. Melting snow will remain on an older road and become ice or some other hazard for motorists. This is because the technologies used in roads today did not exist in the past, resulting in roads retaining much of the snow and ice that makes them difficult to travel.
Newer asphalt roads in particular are designed to allow snow to melt easily and drain from the road surface. Chemical treatments that are added to the road finish aid in this increased melting by raising the temperature of the road surface so that they can retain heat and melt snow. As the snow accumulates the technology in place on new road surfaces allows for the roads to process snow and get it off of the roadside. This allows cars to travel on a newer road employing snow melting technology easier than those roads that are older and do not employ the technology. This advent in road building applies not only to city roads and highways but also driveways.
Before your car makes it onto the street it will have to leave your driveway. Not removing accumulated snow or allowing it to turn into ice creates a hazardous driving situation. It may also be possible to chemically treat the driveway in the case where the driveway is not too old. A chemical treatment may be the thing needed to increase the snow melting properties of your driveway.
To eliminate this situation completely, a homeowner should consider having plans now for snow removal so you won’t run into any trouble as that white stuff starts coming down and taking over. Contact Your Landscapers of NEPA and discuss your strategies for winter today!

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